Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Roy Degado cartoon - Golf

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" What do we live for,
if it is not to make life less difficult
for each other. "
George Eliot, 1819-18880
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" If you are able to say how much you love,
you love little. "
- Petrarch, circa 1350 
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The hurricane ( Sandy ) which hit two-thirds of West Virginia just barely missed our town . . . We were lucky to just sustain about six hours of 80MPH winds and torrential rain and wind gusts all night . . . . if you had anything outside lighter than a car and it wasn't secured to the ground, it is gone.  Lucky, outside of just about a minute of electrical service outage we fared well . . . It kinda makes you humble and lucky  . . . a few prayers I involved myself in might have helped . . . I like to believe they did . . . Maybe it was just luck . . . . I've been lucky all my life . . . I would rather be lucky than good anytime . . . ( especially at the race track . . . !  )
My computer service went down for abot 50 some hours, again.  They just restored service this morning, I guess it was Sandy responsible.
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" Wise men don't need advice. 
Fools don't take it. "
- Benjamin Franklin

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cartoon of the Day - Is it legal? - Roy Delgado

I like "quikee-gags" like the one shown here . . . slam-bam, thank you ma'm kinda stuff.   You don't have to think.
I believe a lot of people like cartoons like this, especially when everyone seems to be in a hurry nowadays.
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" A loving heart is the truest wisdom. "
- Charles Dickens,  1812-1870

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Frank Cotham- New Yorker cartoonist

This is an original cartoon I received from Frank Cotham, one of my favorite of all the New Yorker Cartoonists.  We traded originals. I inserted the gagline in type for readability, the original had it in light pencil. 

I love the looseness and funny style in which he draws . . . ( look at his eyeball on the far side, just hanging in space !, I love it ) It's not easy to draw that loose and make it come out right . . . Someone once told me in my early learning years, a long, long time ago, he said:  " Before you can leave a line out, you must first know where it belongs!

Makes a lot of sense to me.

Cotham's drawing hangs in my studio alongside originals by Reilly, Sam Gross, Lee Lorenz, Cheney, Woodman and a few others whose work I adore.  They give me inspiration every day and I feel like they are in my studio urging me to " keep on keeping on" . . . I can hear them actually whispering in my ear . . . maybe I'm losing it . . I don't know . . . That's my story and I'm sticking to it . . .  I don't really care if it IS ONLY in my mind . . . . I'm not complaining . . .  guess 'm a lucky stiff.

I've got an edge on my competition, it seems !  I like it like that !

I'd rather be lucky than good. ( Especially at the race track ! )

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" First health, then wealth, then pleasure, and do not owe anything to anybody. "

- Catherine the Great

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Cartoon of the Week - Roy Delgado

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This is a new version of old drawing which never sold . .  . .  I was ready to throw it away when it suddenly hit me that it was worth redrawing and putting it out into circulation . . . problem is . . . there are practically no markets out there which kinda mocks the lefties . . . The Pulitzer committees are left leaning . . . most of the large newspapers in America are " progressive " ,
Hollywood is "Leftie ", etc., etc.
It is what it is.
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" You are permitted in time of great danger
to walk with the devil until you have crossed trhe bridge. "
- Bulgarian proverb
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Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

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" Oh, God,
Help us not to despise or oppose
what we do not understand. "
- William Penn , 1644-1718
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" A good conscience is a continual feast. "
- Robert Burton
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

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" Emptiness is a symptom
that you are not living creatively.
You either have no goal that is
important enough to you, or are
not using your talents and efforts in
striving toward an important goal. "
- Dr. Maxwell Maltz
American Surgeon and
Motivational Speaker
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Capitalism/Money cartoon - Roy Delgado -

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On the subject of profits and money. . .
This coming Tuesday, November 6, money is an important subject to dwell on ( before you vote ).
" Run for your life from any man that
tells you money is evil . . .
that sentence is the leper's bell of
an approaching disaster. "
- Ayn Rand
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As they say in Chicago . . . Vote early and vote often . .
Ask Rod Blagojevich ( recent Governor now in jail, or ask several past Illinois corrupt politicians in jail now ) . . . or several questionable personalities like Jesse Jackson Jr., etc., The Daley Machine, the list is endless. . . It's almost embarrassing to tell someone you are involved in Chicago politics . . . I said ALMOST,
because some people are unaware of reality  . . .
They are in D-E-N-I-A-L . . . Who ME ? 
Look, don't paint us with a broad brush . . .
We aren't ALL crooks, right ?
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" I am erecting a barrierof simplicity
between myself and the world. "
- Andre Gide
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

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" We are shaped and fashioned
by what we love. "
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
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" Tell me what you pay 'atten-shun' to,
and I'll you what your 'inten-shun' is. "
 - Paul Meyer
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I met Paul Meyer in Waco, Texas in June, 1976.
I had the privilege of having lunch with him at the Waco Golf and Country Club when he was the CEO
of Success Motivation Institute, the world's largest developer and distributor of personal self-help programs and materials at the time, located in Waco.
Myself and three others were enlightened
during that lunch.  I will remember that moment for
the rest of my life.
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" Be careful what you believe. "
- Roy Delgado
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Monday, October 22, 2012

Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

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" Everyone prefers belief to the exercise of judgement. "
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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" You can't hold a man down without staying down with him. "
- Booker T. Washington
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" Be careful what you believe. "
- Roy Delgado

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Watergate/Benghazigate - satire - Roy Delgado

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" Often the difference between
a successful person and a failure
is not that one has better abilities or ideas,
but the courage one has to bet on one's ideas,
to take a calculated risk - - and to act. "
- Maxwell Maltz, 1899-1975
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- Peter Plum
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

New Yorker cover - Satire - Roy Delgado

One of my entries to the contest held every year for a
suggested New Yorker cover . . . I entered it under the name " Peter Plum ", hopefully to throw them off . . . . but they're too smart for that.
I kinda like it.  Sometimes, when you're having a lot of fun, you work for free . . . in the long scheme of things, it doesn't matter.
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" The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. "
- Bertrand Russell
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" At the beginning of a marriage ask yourself whether
this woman will be interesting to talk to from now until old age. "
- Fredrich Nietzsche
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" The nicest thing about the future
is that it comes one day at a time. "
- Peter Plum

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thought of the Day - Roy Delgado

I have a sign in my studio
that reads with the information
you see here.  It's the first thing I read
as I enter the room.  It reminds me
to keep focused on what I think is
important to me.
 " I believe you are where you are
and what you are because of
the dominating thoughts
that occupy your mind. "
I was brought to this wise
belief by the late great Paul Meyer,
founder of Success Motivation Institute
of Waco, Texas.
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" They are able who think they are able. "
- Virgil, 70-19 B.C.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

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" People change and forget to tell each other. "
- Lillian Hellman
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" Only a mediocre person is always at his best. "
- William Somerset Maugham
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" There is only one success - - to be able
to spend your life in your own way. "
- Christopher Morley
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cartoon of the Day - New Yorker cartoon

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This cartoon belongs in The New Yorker . . . ask anybody who SELLS to the New Yorker.
Don't take MY word for it.  Ask Bob Mankoff.
If it does NOT, tell me why  . . . besides what I get from Bob Mankoff . . . " Your work might be okay for Reader's Digest, but not quite "right" for us.
Reader's Digest ?  What are you, nuts ? - - - There are many Reader's Digest cartoonists who appear in The New Yorker . . .  Caldwell, P.C. Vey, and I'm botching his name, off the top of my head, and too lazy to look it up, an Aussie fine cartoonist I admire " Le Mieux", or something like that !
There's THREE off the top of my head . . . . I seldom fail, very, very seldom . . .  in fact the only time I've ever failed was just ONCE . . .
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Harvard Business Review cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing appears on page34 in a feature called " Strategic Humor " . . . . It used to be a regular double-page spread in the monthly magazine but has now lately been reduced to a single page . . . This time it also had two other cartoonist's work, one by veteran cartoonist Patrick Hardin, whose fine work you see everywhere and the other by the lady cartoonist Susan Camileri Konar, whose " New Yorkerish " drawing style I like very much.

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My internet service has been down for 8 days.  It was finally restored yesterday about 3 PM when the FrontierNet guy had to actually come to my house and reprogram my new modem they provided me a couple weeks ago.  I had 116 Emails backed up waiting for me.
It was a record.  So many things to do, so little time. 

 I will skip going to the mailbox today, about 9 miles away. . . . I now have 3 indoor cats . . . .AND, AND about  one or two months ago a cute little striped kitten appeared at my back door whining with a hungry meow and a friendly but kind of sad face . . . I gave him some cat food in the garage and it looks like he's found a new home . . . . I asked the new neighbor in the back if she knew who's kitten that was, and I was surprised when she told me that it was hers and that "Buddy" also traversed on a daily basis, from her house to her mother's house about one short block away and now MY house, so it looks like the wise kitty " Buddy " is eating at three different places !

What is interesting is that "Buddy" , in the last three weeks or so, is spending 90% of the time here at MY place.

So, now I have actually FOUR cats . . . Midnight, Rocky ( Like Rocky Balboa . . .  who I also call BULJERT because of his rotundity ), Eddie ( like FAST EDDIE in The Hustler ), and now " Buddy " the lovable kitty who lives in the garage ( with a cat door ) who comes to my back sliding door every morning to say Good Morning and has me follow him back to his lair to make sure I see his bowl and to check out his rations of kitty food . . . AND to make sure that his water is fresh and clean . . .

All of this kinda makes you feel important and puts everything in perspective . . . . for awhile, as I'm savoring my cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee, I can put the Presidential Debate, Benghazi, Al Queda, Hugo Chavez, The 16 Trillion Dollar Debt, O'Reilly, The Ed Show, Hannity, Hollywood, everything, I mean everything, at least for the moment, in the BACK BURNER !  Where, actually it all belongs.

I'm telling you, it doesn't get any better than this.

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" A master, in the art of living, draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation.  He hardly knows which is which.  He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine if he is working or playing. "

To himself, he always seems to be doing both.

Nuf sed, ( As Lew Card used to say ).

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Woman's World cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing appears on page 55 in the
current issue ( October15, 2012 ) of
Woman's World magazine now on your
grocer's stand.
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" Reading makes a full man,
conference a ready man,
and writing an exact man. "
Francis Bacon ( ca. 1600 )
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" What do we live for if it is not to make life
less difficult for each other ? "
- George Eliot
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" Some people speak from experience, while others,
from experience, don't speak. '
- Anonymous
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Monday, October 8, 2012

Woman's World cartoons - Roy Delgado

The two cartoons above both appear in the October 1, 2012 issue of Woman's World on the grocer's stand now.
I also see a good Randy Glasbergen cartoon on the same page as my first one shown here, . . . the kid with the hammer.
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" Those who plough the sea do not
carry the winds in their hands. "
- Publilius Syrus  ( ca. 50 B.C. )
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" Every extension of knowledge arises from making
the conscious the unconscious. "
- Friedrich Nietzche
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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mike Lynch Cartoons: Sketchbook: Mike Lynch Cartoons the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE)

Mike Lynch Cartoons: Sketchbook: Mike Lynch Cartoons the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE)

Here's a neat site I recommend in case, just in case anybody out there who is seriously interested in cartooning . . . it is a MUST.  Put it in your favorites lists.  My collegue and friend Mike Lynch has a  really great blog site.  His  cartoons are seen regularly in all of the major magazines including The Wall Street Journal, the largest newspaper in the U.S., ( Just passed up USA TODAY )  His site is hip and informative. ( D.I.N. )  Do it now.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Political Correctness Definition - Satire

I heard a rumor that this definition above
will be the official definition of the term " Political Correctness" to be in the 2014
 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
( It's probably just a rumor started by Sean Hannity )

Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

This is the kind of law firm you would want to retain if you were involved in an automobile accident and you were subsequently injured, right ?
Of course ! - - - These people KNOW about injury, they therefore MUST know what they are talking about ! - - - Right ! - - -  ( or, RIGHT? )
I bring this up because of the nonsense logic it is.
BUT, but according to Bob Mankoff, the cartoon editor of The New Yorker, I can't believe an educated man like him would say this . . . ( I'm paraphrasing )
He stated something like this: " If you are drawing cartoons about people WITH TATTOOS, then YOU should have tattoos yourself."
Make sense to you ?  Me too.
It's not him, it's me. He's the cartoon editor of The New Yorker and I'm Terry Malloy of On The Waterfront . . . .
 " It was YOU Charlie, remember that fight at the Garden ? You came up to me in the dressing room and said: This ain't your night, we're going for the price on Wilson . . . This ain't my NIGHT ? - - - I coulda taken Wilson apart ! - - - It was you, Charlie, you were my big brother, you shoulda watched out for me . . .  and Rod Steiger says, you saw some money, boy . . . . Terry shouts back: " You don't understand, Charlie, I coulda had class, I coulda been a contender . . . I coulda been somebody . . . instead of a bum which is what I am . . . lets face it,  it was YOU, Charlie . . .
I just wouldn't expect a statement like this
coming from a cartoon editor with more than a high-school education.
Of course, you can say something like, " Look, when I said you didn't BUILD THAT ! what I REALLY meant was you need roads, policemen, firemen, DUH, REALLY ?,
I didn't know that! ?
The reason The President got hammered by this is simply this:  HE EMPHASIZED AND SPENT 90% ON YOU DIDN'T BUILD THIS and only 10% on the obvious idiotic, in my opinion, the government gives you roads, policemen, firemen, etc., no shit. . . gee.
If it was THAT simple, how come none of my 32 employees went out and do it successfully ? ? Actually, the government was mostly in my way.
The problem with zealots on BOTH sides of the spectrum is this:  Bill O'Reilly does it like this ( Notice the next time )  O'Reilly will rant for 99% of his blather and then, to cover his ass, he'll say in a lower tone of voice, and very quickly at the end . . .  " Am I wrong ? "
And Rush Limbaugh is guilty of the same thing . . .
THEN, ALL OF THESE PEOPLE GET DEFENSIVE . When you bring up their emphatic points . . . They always say, you took it out of context !  They must think we're dumb.  And by doing this, THEY look dumb.
Where is Jimmy Carter when we need him ?
 ( Just Kidding )
Although, I admire him for his Habitat effort and I have contributed to the noble deed of his
to reach out and try to make this a better world
for the really unfortunate.
Nuf sed. ( As Lew Card used to say )