Friday, September 3, 2010

Mel Yauk - Magazine Cartoonist

Looking through an old journal of mine yesterday, I ran across this little tidbit. 

I'd spent Jan.-Feb.-March in Tucson that year for the winter.  It worked out well since my brother and sister lived in Tucson at the time and my friend, Bob Weber Sr. would be visiting and working alongside his son, Bob Weber Jr. at his home and studio in nearby Oro Valley.

One morning, on a whim we drove to Mesa AZ, and after getting an OK from Mel we were in Mel's living room and we had a nice couple hours and a couple of Labatt's beers with Mel showing us a couple of old scrap books with tons of  old " Lucky " cartoon clips from The National Enquirer.

Mel drew this cartoon in my journal!

1 comment:

  1. Roy, I used to sell gags to lucky cartoons in the 70's. $25 a pop. Not bad back then. Don
