Saturday, October 30, 2010

Leatherneck Magazine cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing appears on page 27 , November issue.  Also on that page, titled Leatherneck Laffs, there is a cartoon by my old friend from way back, Jack Flynn of Ohio, who incidently is also a former Marine.  I started corresponding with him way back in 1954 when I was in art school in L.A. . . . He's been selling all over the place since then.

In case you can't read the gag line, it says:  " Everyone is getting up on time now that we've switched to the vuvuzela for 'reveille' . "

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wall Street Journal cartoon - Roy Delgado

This was one of my favorite cartoons.

This drawing appeared in yesterday's paper.  The clip kindly emailed to me by Erv Kaczmarek.

This particular cartoon was sold way over a year ago.

 I guess with just a very few days before an important national election the gag now has more relevance. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cartoon of the Week -

Thought for the day -

" The man who never makes mistakes loses a great many chances to learn something. "

I think it's good to remember this as you pile up the rejection slips in this business . . . you have to, from time to time, reevaluate your work, with a fine tooth comb . . . inspect what you expect . . . evolve, tweak it . . . and voila . . it starts to happen . . . otherwise, if you think positive thinking by itself is going to do it, you are misguided . . . or belief by itself ain't gonna do it . . .remember, if you jump out of a 10-story building, you will always go down . . . no matter how much you believe or how much positiveness you have, you will still always go down. 

 I ain't going anywhere, so they might as well buy, is the way I look at it.  What they don't understand is I want to sell my work more than they want to reject my work.  They just think my work is not right . . . Just because they think my work is not right for them does not mean it is not right . . . This could be The New Yorker or a syndicate or any publication for that matter.

This is my own philosophy I am sharing with you.  It works for me.
It doesn't get any better than this.

Roy Delgado 
( Forget about Peter Plum ) It was just a bad dream.

But I do like the name.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

ny23 Cartoon of the Day

Cruising is Amusing - Cartoon Book

This softback cartoon book was conceived and written by Bob Rafferty and illustrated by Roy Delgado.
It has 143 pages and is sold only in the gift shops of Carnival Cruise Lines' 22 ships.

A few are available to collectors.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

" We've gone green " Environmental cartoon

Every now and then, you do a cartoon that you feel strongly, very strongly that the cartoon you just completed belongs in The New Yorker.  OR . . . Maybe even a New Yorker cover !  This is one of those.   Last week I sent it to Mr. Bob Mankoff in a priority mail USPS envelope with a return receipt signature required.  I placed the beautiful matte color print which was executed in a premium Kodak heavy paper and inserted it in a clear plastic sleeve.  I stuck a yellow Post-It note on it which simply said: " Reject This. " 

I also sent it to the Art Editor as a Cover Suggestion ( without the ' Reject This ' comment. )

I know this is bold, but I predict, either one of the above, OR Reader's Digest, or Harvard Business Review, OR Prospect Magazine in Great Britain will buy it.  I'll let you know what happens. 

I'm sorry, but sometimes it's hard to be humble. . . . After being rejected so many times, you actually get better and better . .  If you do NOT give up, eventually you wear the man out that is trying to stop you, and he says . . . " Okay you win, I give up. "   

I don't know how or why, but it just works. It is one of Napoleon Hill's Law of Success. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

First syndicate response from Buljert - The answer to Marmaduke

Today, October 16th, I received my first response from my four packages I sent out to Big Four syndicates for possible syndication of this new idea, Buljert. 

Although it was just mailed on October 4th, I was surprised at the speedy response.  Usually, you don't hear from them in about 6 to 8 weeks, or longer.  I would say is about average.  In fact, I notice on their ( United Media ) website, that now they state that they may not even send back or respond to any inquires ! - - - Man, that's a new one.  But it IS what it IS. They do it because they can.

I received the standard cold rejection letter, BUT, BUT . . . it was still nice to see a blue ink pen scribble on the bottom of the letter which said: " Pretty good, but we have Marmaduke in this demographic. "
and signed by C.Reed Jackson. ( or it looks like that to me )

It's my luck this Jackson guy is the janitor and he pulls this trick or something like this once a month to some poor sap to make him think that he's real close . . . . .

Three syndicates left, and I will report what I hear as I hear it , right here. . . Then after the four reject Buljert . . . . I may, I said MAY jump off the top of the building at 4 Times Square.  I love the word, " may ", don't you ?

Talking about Times Square,which reminds me, just the other day,on Tuesday, October 5, I Amtraked up to NYC and had lunch at 12:15pm at The Pergola Des Artistes on 252 W. 46th St., with The Sam Gross and The Peter Paul Porges and The Sid Harris, and a real Cartoon Bank Rep. and several other cartoonists of note.  I only got to chat with Sam and Peter and Sid Harris. since the seating was a little tight.  I enjoyed it very much.  Sam and the group has a good deal they've made with the restaurant . . . the group usually meets every Tuesday at 12:15 for lunch.  The group varies in who shows up, but it is usually approximately 8 to 16 or more just depending which of mostly New Yorker cartoonists decides to show up.

And for just twenty bucks, you get your choice of 5 delicious authentic entrees, a glass of wine, a cup of coffee and a shot of brandy. And that includes the tip !  I thought it was more than fair. Great atmosphere and a really great professional friendly staff.  Next time you're in the Big Apple, I'd recommend it. I would give it a thumbs up, definately !

Roy Delgado

Peter Plum couldn't make it.  For anyone planning a trip up where I was, a room for ONE night at The Sheraton Marquis at Times Square is  $499.00.  But you get a free mint on your pillow ! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Woman's World cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing appears on page 55 in the current ( Oct 11 ) issue of the woman's magazine.  The coloring is executed by their staff.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Artist's Magazine - Roy Delgado

This drawing appears in the latest November issue of the magazine. on page15. 

I've been subscribing to it for years . . and I would recommend it to the pro as it has helpful techniques by various professionals and teachers who give you ideas to expand on your approach to solving problems in drawing and using color.