Tuesday, April 5, 2011

17519 Cartoon of the Day - Roy Delgado

I like military humor, having been in the Marines for four years and around sailors on ships . . . I remember one kinda  funny incident aboard the U.S.S. Gen. Edwin Patrick, a civilian ship used to transport my outfit TO and from Okinawa, 2 years later back to the states.

While on the top side of the ship,  around 1100 hours, usually after we'd finished our work details which consisted usually in keeping the vessel clean as a whistle, sweeping, cleaning, scrubbing our living and working quarters a bunch of us were strewn about, laying down on the deck all over the place, waiting for chow-call . . .  criss-crossed . .  . it usually happened this way . . . the first guy would usually be sitting leaning on the bulkhead cat-napping with maybe his arms crossed . . . the next guy, usually a buddy he knew, would use his shins as a pillow and decide to lay down and also take a nap . . . then another guy, maybe a close buddy of the guy laying his head on the guy's shins, would also do the same thing, etc., etc., . . . before you knew it there might be 20-30 or more guys, all inter-connected . . . if one guy decided to get up. it would interrupt the whole crowd because of course every time one guy moved to get up it would disturb and wake up the next guy, etc., . . . pretty soon, just like a set of dominoes in a film playing in reverse . . . what a sight ! 

One particular time, it was me who happened to be the first to lay down, and I noticed no bulkhead I could use,  but I did see a nice coil of what a call rope on the deck, perfect for a pillow, so that is exactly what I did . . . the thick rope made for a comfortable place lay my tired head down . . . just when I was beginning to doze off, I  felt the usual buddie using my shin for a pillow and the whole familiar exercise began to happen . . . then another guy layed down and leaned on him  and another and another on HIS leg and . . .  . . .then as I began to snore I was awakened by a loud growl, actually more of a grunt which belonged to a 7 foot Terminator-type swabbie and he screamed as he pointed at me :  " Hey ! Get off that line ! ! " . . .

I hesitated a little, and said: " Oh. you measn this ROPE ? "

Everybody laughed except the Terminator  . . . .  I got my smile for the day. . . after that incident I was on you know who's crap list . . the rest of the voyage I tried to hide from the Terminator.

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