Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cruising is Amusing - Cartoon Book

This cartoon is on page 109 of the new cartoon book:  Cruising is Amusing  by Roy Delgado and Bob Rafferty. 

 The 6x9 softcover has a laminated color cover and 143 pages of funny black and white cartoons inside.

The collaboration was a work by veteran magazine cartoonist Roy Delgado and also veteran humor writer Bob Rafferty. 

Lots of smiles in the book, a few laughs, a few laugh-out-loud stuff and a few knee-slappers . . . 

If you like cruises, or THINKING about taking a cruise, or will NEVER take a cruise . . . this hard-to-find book is the perfect gift for yourself or anybody that likes a good laugh now and then . . . especially in these times that leave so little time for humor . . .  


" The love of life is necessary to the vigorous prosecution of any undertaking. "

Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON, 1709-1784
English Lexicographer, Critic and Essayist


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