Saturday, November 26, 2011

Marcus Aurelius

  Born 121 A.D. - Died March 17, 180 A.D.

Do yourself a favor and " google" him up.


" You have power over your mind - - not outside events.  Realize this, and you will find strength. "


" Your life is what your thoughts make of it. "


" When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - -  to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. "


" The happiness of our life depends upon the quality of our thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. "


 " Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be. "


" Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so. "


 " Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last. "


The above are just a few of Marcus Aurelius' quotes that I really like.


AND, AND . . . 2000 years before Anthony Robbins !

There were a lot of smart people walking around at about that time . . . and we are STILL learning from.

In The last hundred years it was Napoleon Hill ( 1925 ):
" The Law of Success " was published, suggested by Andrew Carnegie ( steel tycoon )  the world's first billionaire . . . followed 3 years later by " Think and Grow Rich ", a Cliff Notes version you might say, ( for the masses )

This is mainly where Anthony Robbins, Paul Meyer, and the 300 plus other similar-type books and courses ( including the latest " The Secret " phenomena ) were immensley influenced by.

All of these 300-plus books and "courses" either borrowed, stole, copied, reworded, rearranged, plagerized ( I misplaced my thesaurus, but you get the drift ), etc. from the "original" Napoleon Hill's " Think and Grow Rich".

Ghandi sent a man to shadow Napoleon Hill, 24-7 for 30 days  to see if he was real.  It was then published in India shortly after that.

Subsequently, it has become one of the most published book ( Think and Grow Rich ) in the world and available in almost every language.

My point is, why not go to the original and most exaustively researched book ( 25 years before he wrote it ) of all time, " Think and Grow Rich " ,
Hm-m-m-n ?

Get the real McCoy, paperback, from Amazon or whatever . . . I remember, years ago when I first met Bob Weber Sr. ( Syndicated cartoonist, King Features ) in 1975-76 in Washington, D.C., Think and Grow Rich, the book came up, and WOW, we both agreed it was the most influential, powereful and helpful book he and I had ever read that helped us in our cartoon and business careers.

Do yourself another favor, and read " Think and Grow Rich"

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