Thursday, November 10, 2011

Unted States Marines - Nov. 10, 1775 - Happy Birthday

One year before the birth of The United States of America, on this day, November 10 in 1775, a group of men, while inside a drinking establishment called Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania decided to charter and give birth to a fighting machine unlike any other . . . they would be called United States Marines.

I was proud to serve from 1955-60. It instilled beliefs and values that has helped me function successfully throughout all of my life.

I was proud to be initiated into this unique band of brothers. 

Gung Ho.
Used as their battle cry, taken from an ancient Chinese saying meaning " work together ".

  Their motto, " Semper Fidelis "
is latin for " Always Faithful "

All of this still sends chills up my spine.


This is the last copy in my hands, . . . some day, this will be worth 10 times more than what I am asking for right now . . . a paltry $1000.

First come basis.


" It is alright to forget your mistakes, if you
remember their lessons.

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