Saturday, June 12, 2010

Plum Loco Comic ( Valentine's Day, Chicago, etc. )


  1. " Funny thing about this cartoon . . . I originally sent it first to The New Yorker because I had a gut feeling that they would drool and buy it. ( just kidding , I don't think they drool at ANY cartoonist's work, of course, I could be wrong. ) I drool at Sam Gross' work, most of the old timers, and for the newer guys, I love Patterson, Bliss, Dator, Kanin, sorry, none of the "pencil" artists . . . . I mean, what would you do without an eraser, jump off a building ? . . Man, take off the training wheels from your tricycle . . . . But I really thought they would buy it., I should know better . . . Anyway, I knew it was a winner . . . and just like I just told you, I immediately sent it to PLAYBOY, where Hef snatched it quicker than Grant went through Richmond. It's hard to be humble............... I don't know what to tell you, except that you WILL see my cartoons in the New Yorker. That , you can take to the bank, regardless of the stupid comment Pat Byrnes said. I don't think Pat Byrnes is stupid, but I can surmise, by the lopsided mail response that his mouth apparently was operating before his brain had engaged.

    Blagojevich, Bill Ayers, Father P-f-Ph- -Leger, Jeramiah Wright, Rezko . . . the list is endless, kind of makes you think that it must be the water. "
    - Peter Plum

  2. Hi Roy, This is my favorite funniest cartoon vote. There are many others that I get a big kick out of too, but this is my most favorite to date. Keep up the great work. Gary Zeller
