Friday, July 30, 2010

Way out comic - Ridiculous

It makes you kind of wonder the rationale hoodlums use in order to justify their crimes.    Do they think the victims actually FEEL better ? Now that the event has been explained !? - - - Now that the whole thing has been layed out to show you the REAL truth !??  C'mon, feel for me.  You watch a few " COPS " television programs and you see this kind of stuff all the time . . .  The other day a carthief was caught in a BAIT CAR and when he saw the cops with guns and cameras rolling. the car thief says: " WHAT IS THIS, A MOVIE ? "  You almost BELIEVED he was being shanghied ! or hangshied, whatever it is. One of my lifetime goals is to hold up a crook just seconds before HE pulls his gun out, I have mine stuck in HIS ribs, saying " All of your money, asshole!  Imagine, being a kind of "Death-Wish-Charles-Bronson" type guy. Sounds like a lot of dangerous fun !

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