Goings-On in the magazine cartoon world . . . Turkey Soup for the soul. The mind and world of the dynamic duo, Peter Plum and Roy Delgado collide and synergize to create a much needed daily comic fix for the rest of us.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Final Buljert Logo, New Comic Panel
This comic idea is being displayed right here as it born, tweaked, talked about and will appear off and on along with Plum Loco Comic posts till there is about 30 to show to the syndicates! Next is the very first panel. This isn't a Reality Show, it's Actuality !
This is the fun part, the actual creating something, where does it come from? A germ of an idea can stick and linger around in your brain for years. In this case for many, many years. When I was 15 years old and working in a sign shop in Tucson, Arizona, the boss had a son, about 7-8 years old that would hang around the shop on Saturdays playing with tools and paints, etc. The boss would call his son Buljert as a nickname, and I kinda thought it was unique and maybe it would someday be a comic of some type !
You better be careful what you think about. As the saying goes, because it may come true !
Somebody move over, because there's a new ashow in town !
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