Sunday, August 22, 2010

Plum Loco Comic of the Day - More on Re: The Mosque at Ground Zero

Rumor has it, that now at the height of the controversy regarding of building the proposed mosque near Ground Zero . . . . NOW comes this breaking news: Although it is only a rumor at this time, reports are spreading all over, some say emanating from the mayor's office . . . . The planned opening of  the brand new New York Taxi Cab Driving School next door to the mosque !    What are you, nuts ?!

I still  have my fez from when I was the Recording Secretary of  The International Federation of the Royal Mystic Semiphores.  I was also the Grand Whale for the organisation for four consecutive terms prior to that.

A turban would be nice to place on  the shelf in my closet along side my fez. 

With the magazine cartoon markets disappearing and The New Yorker repeatedly using the services of a locksmith by changing the locks to their offices and therefore continuing to shut me out, the cab driving school  is sounding better all the time !  

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