Monday, September 13, 2010

Another flash bulletin -

Yes, now after the hype in the last post, I can begin to get back to the REAL world. Today, Plum Loco Comic got rejected from King Features Syndicate.   It was in the form of the cold impersonal bland form letter saying you know what, . . . Sorry, BUT - - -  almost identical to the other two rejections I got from Universal and Creators.  Look, I understand.  This just makes me even MORE resolved to succeed.  I don't think " they " know who they're messing with.  Sorry, failure is not an option here, period.  You can't stop a man that wants to go somewhere.

All that is left is United Media . . . . ( And after I hear from them, I'll give Tony Rezko's outfit a chance in Chicago ).

And life goes on !

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