Saturday, September 4, 2010

Plum Loco gets rejected just today ! !

FLASH !  You heard it right here.  My ups AND my downs, I'm going to tell it like it happens, AS it happens - - - - -  Creators  just rejected Plum Loco comic.  First it was Universal and now Creators - - - sigh !

The usual: - - - The form letter stated:  " Thank you very much - - - - yada-yada, Regrettably, our editorial board has decided, etc., etc., - - We know you're a nice guy, BUT, BUT - - - are you sitting down? SOR-RY  - - -

It's not them, it's me, I know - - -

Now all that is left is United Media and then Tribune - - -

I'm ahead of them this time - - - while I'm waiting for the last two rejections, I'll keep developiong BULJERT and then the cycle starts all over again - - - - 

God, this is fun ! ( ? )  Ain't it great?

It helps if you have icewater in your veins like I do - - -

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