Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thought for the day -

" The man who never makes mistakes loses a great many chances to learn something. "

I think it's good to remember this as you pile up the rejection slips in this business . . . you have to, from time to time, reevaluate your work, with a fine tooth comb . . . inspect what you expect . . . evolve, tweak it . . . and voila . . it starts to happen . . . otherwise, if you think positive thinking by itself is going to do it, you are misguided . . . or belief by itself ain't gonna do it . . .remember, if you jump out of a 10-story building, you will always go down . . . no matter how much you believe or how much positiveness you have, you will still always go down. 

 I ain't going anywhere, so they might as well buy, is the way I look at it.  What they don't understand is I want to sell my work more than they want to reject my work.  They just think my work is not right . . . Just because they think my work is not right for them does not mean it is not right . . . This could be The New Yorker or a syndicate or any publication for that matter.

This is my own philosophy I am sharing with you.  It works for me.
It doesn't get any better than this.

Roy Delgado 
( Forget about Peter Plum ) It was just a bad dream.

But I do like the name.


  1. I'm trying to develope that same attitude, Roy. I have followed other advice and pointers you have given me or inluded here and have enjoyed a lot of good sales recently. Keep it up, we all need encouragement when the markets have been reduced to the point where there are too many of us competing for one sale. We have to branch out in order to stay alive.

  2. I'm reminded what someone once told me, ( a very successful person I looked up to and believed ), He said: " It ain't easy, Roy, but it ain't too hard ! "

    As long as you believe that . . . tell me, how in the hell can you lose ?
