Monday, December 27, 2010


Here are a few samples of cartoons with a sports theme . . . we have many files available for licensing, also office cartoons, animal cartoons, medical cartoons, lawyer cartoons all available right now for you to look at and consider . . . our prices are competitive, reasonable and very easy to acquire . . . high resolution files or hard copies can be sent.  Prices vary according to how the cartoon is to be used.
inquire for details here . . .

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wisdom - Thought of the day

" Let a person alter his thoughts and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions in his life. "

 - James Allen

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The New Yorker Book of Cartoons Nobody Understands

This cartoon with the congressman first was rejected by the NYer, then bought by Business Law Today in 2002.

The cartoon with the dogs was rejected by The NYer then bought by Barron's  in 2005.

This drawing which has become a classic, graces the cover of the recent softback, ' A Funny Thing Happened on the way to The New Yorker' . . . A collection of rejected cartoons from The New Yorker which went on to sell to the Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, The National Law Journal, Business Law Today, Medical Economics, Good Housekeeping, etc. . . . The best selling 6x9 book has a color laminated cover with 106 pages of black and white cartoons and an interesting 600 word interesting foreward/bio by the author, veteran cartoonist Roy Delgado.  The book sells for Ten Bucks (plus $4.50 S&H ) and is available here .  

While supply lasts . . or you can order from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc. 

A color print of this cartoon on premium 8 and a half x eleven inches, Kodak matte photographic heavy paper, suitable for framing is available with a wet signature from this site for $100.00, free shipping for a limited time.

Here's a couple cartoons from inside the book . . . . . . enjoy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wall Street Journal cartoon - Roy Delgado

Here's a cartoon from the recent December 16, 2010 issue of this fine periodical . . .  The little guy is a real gentleman, looks like the way he's all dressed up with a tie and everything, he'll probably want to he a hedge-fund manager when he grows up or maybe try for Tim Geithner's job . . . or he might say the hell with it and become a cartoonist !

Monday, December 20, 2010

cartoons of the day


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Marriage cartoon - Roy Delgado

Here's a recent cartoon, one of my favorites on this subject . . . We have hundreds of cartoons available for useage on websites, powerpoints. books, etc. . . . on almost any subject.  All available for your viewing.  Pricing is based on usage.  Very competetive.  Inquire here . . .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sports cartoons - Roy Delgado

Just a sample of a sport cartoon from our files . . we have hundreds and hundreds of cartoons on almost any subject for you to view and inspect for usage on newsletters, publications, powerpoints, books . . all at very competetive prices . . prices depends on usage . . free estimates . . . 

inquire here:

Cartoons of the day

Here are  a couple of my favorite cartoons of recent vintage . . . enjoy . . .

Note:  There are literally hundreds and hundreds of cartoons on almost any subject available for licensing at very reasonable rates.  Cost depends on usage . . perfect for powerpoint presentations, reprints for newsletters or books, web usage, etc.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Doctor cartoon - Roy Delgado

Literally we have hundreds of cartoons on practically any subject.  Perfect for use on presentations, newsletters, books, magazines, etc., all by award-winning cartoonist Roy Delgado whose cartoons have appeared in many major magazines and publications in the world.

Pricing is based on use of the cartoon.

Inquire for information:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hunting cartoon - Roy Delgado

Virtually hundreds and thousands of cartoons available on almost any subject for licensing . . . pricing depends on use.  

Business Cartoon - Roy Delgado

This a sample of cartoons available for licensing.

  Thousands in our data bank are ready for viewing.

   Almost any subject can be loaded for you to view.

Prices vary depending on use, free estimates.  Inquire at:

Sports cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing came out in Barron's a few years ago when they experimented using color for a coupla years.   Lately, it's only black and white and greyscale washtones . . .

Cartoons on almost any subject available from  right here . . . just axe, er-r-r ASK, inquire to see a large quantity and free estimates . . . prices depending on use.

Roy Delgado

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Women rule cartoon

I always thought this would be a good gag to pull on visitors coming to the headquarters of the N.O.W. national office . . . when a male visitor would ask to use the men's room, wham- you tell him they don't HAVE a men's room !

Cartoon of the Week -

Where do you apply for one of these jobs . . . ?

Tongue-twister cartoon of the day . . .

I always wonder if stuff like this ever happens in REAL life ?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Huh ?

Ain't it funny how time slips away . . . it seems like it was just the other day . . .