Saturday, July 31, 2010

Meet BULJERT- New Daily Comic Panel - Coming soon

Meet BULJERT the Bulldog, friendly, spineless, engaging watch dog . . .  you saw him first here at Plum Loco. Reason: Buljert will first be introduced as a sidekick of one of the characters . .  where after several appearances, will grow his own audience, then he will become a spinoff from Plum Loco Comic.   How do we know ?  It comes from a Gypsy Fortuneteller whom you will meet soon in Plum Loco . . .  Is this really happening or what ? 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Way out comic - Ridiculous

It makes you kind of wonder the rationale hoodlums use in order to justify their crimes.    Do they think the victims actually FEEL better ? Now that the event has been explained !? - - - Now that the whole thing has been layed out to show you the REAL truth !??  C'mon, feel for me.  You watch a few " COPS " television programs and you see this kind of stuff all the time . . .  The other day a carthief was caught in a BAIT CAR and when he saw the cops with guns and cameras rolling. the car thief says: " WHAT IS THIS, A MOVIE ? "  You almost BELIEVED he was being shanghied ! or hangshied, whatever it is. One of my lifetime goals is to hold up a crook just seconds before HE pulls his gun out, I have mine stuck in HIS ribs, saying " All of your money, asshole!  Imagine, being a kind of "Death-Wish-Charles-Bronson" type guy. Sounds like a lot of dangerous fun !

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Lone Ranger - - Little known historical fact rediscovered

Here's a little known fact you would never see anywhere else . . . we'll try to go through the history books and reveal other little tidbits that we think you have the right to know . . . as we find them, we'll shine light on the truth. . . we're looking out for you.  The truth will set you free.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

16121A The Far Side, Bizzaro, Plum Loco Comic : " My favorite comics. " says Peter Plum Jr.

Is it really shocking to hear a statement like that from Peter Plum Jr.. ?,  Huh ? . . . " DU-H. " . . as Bart Simpson would say . . .   He's just doing what most kids do, cheering for the old man's success. 

 Almost everyone wishes Gary Larson would have continued his great voice, but like many quality creative people do, they choose to stop doing what they are doing if they feel they cannot sustain its freshness and quality and uniqueness . . . you really have to respect that.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jon Callahan Dies

This morning when I turned on the computer, the incoming emails were the familiar . . .  and always some new one that catches your attention . . . this one was from the website Foghorn right here . . .   

I was a fan of John's work, and have his books.  Sad day today.
The Foghorn, from the U.K. is , in my opinion, one of the better cartoonists go to place.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Comic of the day

" I think the type of personality that loves high-risk mountain climbing like the one shown here is the same guy that parachute-jumps from a plane from 30,000 feet or higher or you'll find this type in The Special Forces, Seals, Delta Force, Marine Force Recon Units and Special Air Force Teams that find and retrieve lost pilots on the ground behind enemy lines, also in swat teams, firefighters, policemen . . .  I guess it's the adrenaline rush, higher dopamine levels . . .  I don't know . . . It's just my luck . . . although I got a little of that in me . . .  the guy in the cartoon would probably be me. "

Peter Plum

Far Side, Bizzaro, Plum Loco . . . some of my favorite things !

" The Far Side, Bizzaro, Plum Loco, Sam Gross, George Booth, Bill Woodman, Shel Silverstein, Jules Feiffer, Lee Lorenz, . . . These are some, just some of my favorite things ! "

This would make a great song . . . " These are some of my fa-vor-ite things ! " 

Peter Plum Jr.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

16101 Plum Loco Comic . . . Roy Delgado . . . Peter Plum

Hugh Hefner Cartoonist

Most people know that Hugh Hefner was a frustrated wannabe cartoonist in his early years.  ( Welcome to the club! )  Here is an interesting factoid talking about just that.

What a coincidence, Bob Guccione, the founder of Penthouse was also a wannabe cartoonist !

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thank you Nigerians

Let me explain what has happened here, it makes no sense and I admit I'm a little confused.  On May 16, 2010 my OLD blog: Roy Delgado Blog was hacked into by Nigerian scam artists ( so I was told by Google ).  The hackers sent everyone in my email box a phony email that I was the victim of a mugging in London, hurt my arm, lost my luggage, wallet and credit cards.  They asked ( pretending to be me ) for you to send me money and that I would pay you back when I returned to the U.S.  They posted a Western Union link to send the money to.

This caused both telephones to ring off the hook from friends and acquaintances wondering if this was true.  So I had to essentially begin a new blog, with a new Email address.  I decided to start Plum Loco Comic Blog and use it to post my new web comic by the same name.

Incidentally, I also had another old blog: A Funny Thing happened on the way to The New Yorker .  However, I never really used it, and just today I went to it to revive it and continue it, but somehow the A Funny Thing happened on they way to The New Yorker Blog has merged with The Plum Loco Comic Blog and that is why you are seeing these last two posts on this Plum Loco Comic blog . . . ACTUALLY, I posted them on " A Funny Thing happened on the way to The New Yorker blog. 

So, NOW, I'm going back and keep this blog only for The Plum Loco Comic at least till I get to at least 100 Plum Loco posts, then I might go on jabbering about a little of everything like my old Roy Delgado Blog used to be like.

And that is that.  Nuf sed.

I have to make a correction.  This is very confusing but if you go here:
and in the search box. type in " Roy Delgado cartoon ".  Then, on that same page it takes you to, hit the high-lighted area "tongue-in-cheek cartoon."  This will take you to The Photobucket website where the cartoon appeared.

A FunnyThing happened on the way to The New Yorker

Plum Loco THE Book Cover

Roy Delgado Blog: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The New Yorker - - ( The Book )

Roy Delgado Blog: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The New Yorker - - ( The Book )

THE Book Cover

Here is the actual finished cover.  The 6x9 softback has a color laminated cover.  The interior has 107 pages of black and white cartoons.   The book also includes an interesting 600 word Foreward/Bio.   Almost all are rejected cartoons that went on to sell to the nation's major magazines like Reader's Digest, Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, Medical Economics, Harvard Business Review, The Saturday Evening Post and many others in the United States and the U.K.

I believe the comment had got so much attention was because I was working on getting it inserted in The Guinness Book of World Records, as The Most Rejected Cartoonist in the World.   Unfortunately, it was hard to document and as Mike noted, the fact that many of the cartoons went on to sell, the insertion would have been misleading, so the project was dropped. The fact that it was seriously considered, I think was interesting.

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to The New Yorker

The cover of the book was based on this cartoon, which, incidentally was picked up by ( This is a site for lovers of The New Yorker Magazine ),
In the search box, at, type in:  Roy Delgado tongue-in-cheek-cartoon.
where it is noted was borrowed from Mike Lynch's Blog.

Mike had placed the remark on his blog that I had been rejected from The New Yorker Magazine over 19.000 times, ( from my estimation ).  We had been chatting at a famous watering hole in midtown NYC with Sam Gross and Felipe ( Feggo ) Galindo a couple days before and it got a lot of chatter and caused reverberations.  I STILL submit cartoons approximately every 10 days, like a damned fool ( some say ).

Now, I've reached over 20,000 rejections.

16095 Plum Loco Comic of the Day

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

16073 Plum Loco Comic

You would assume that when you get up there, things would be different only to find to your disappointment that the more things change the more they stay the same.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Roy Delgado/Peter Plum/Plum Loco Comic 16067

An interesting item on this cartoon is that it was actually okayed by Punch Magazine back around 1998 as a purchase, along with another cartoon.  I remember, Mike Williams, the well-known cartoonist was the last Cartoon Editor there before the great magazine went belly up.  I never got payed and the cartoons never actually saw print, or at least I never saw them, and tried repeatedly to get a copy, with no luck.  I believe that these were the last cartoons ever "purchased" by the magazine . . . they must've been, because almost immediately I heard that the institution called Punch had indeed died.  Sad. 

You've seen Mike Williams' great cartoons in Playboy for years.  I think he's one of the better draftsmen out there, a real understanding of perspective, anatomy, color, composition and great writing.

I thought this cartoon was a natural for Punch with the Punk Culture still going strong especially in the U.K., where it started.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cartoon Contest - - Plum Loco Comic - Vote, Free book first 10 voters.

Vote for your favorite Plum Loco Comic from the ones posted on this blog up till today, July 17, 2010. I suggest to scroll all the way back to when it started, there aren't that many, as the blog has only been up less than a month.

Simply cast your vote in the comments box on the cartoon you like as your favorite.   No annonymous voting for obvious reasons.

The first ten voters get an absolute free copy of my very new book of cartoons, Cruising is Amusing ( By Roy Delgado & Bob Rafferty ) 6x9, 143 pages.  Copy of the book shown here on today's post.

Deadline is August 15, 2010.  Votes will be tabulated.  Winners will be mailed the book, The results will be shown right on this blog on August 16th.  Look for it.  Winners will be posted on August 16..

Send me your address via my email box: 
when you win.

It will be inteesting to see which is the favorite and most popular cartoon.

Unlike the last U.S. Presidential election, as some citizens allege,  please only vote once. 

The good news, all of the people in the world can vote.

Thank you . .
Peter Plum

Monday, July 12, 2010

16041A Plum Loco Comic - Roy Delgado/Peter Plum/ Peter Plum Jr.

This is what happens when you watch too much slapstick . . . I can see Mo having the last word here to Larry or Curly . . .

Saturday, July 10, 2010

16038a Plum Loco Comic/ Peter Plum/ Roy Delgado

Plum Loco Comic - Roy Delgado / Peter Plum/ Peter Plum Jr.

Comics are in a paradigm shift.  Something big is happening right now.  The way we have been viewing cartoons and comics in newspapers and periodicals is and has been changing gradually but steadily in the last decade . . . . most people know this . . . but I think it is happening faster than anyone really realizes . . . grab your coat, hold on to your hat and hang on because I don't think we're in Kansas anymore . . .

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

16019 Plum Loco Comic ( The IRS ) Roy Delgado/Peter Plum

I don't know if any of you have had any experiences with the IRS, but that is really very interesting to talk about.  I had a brother who was an IRS investigator for over 50 years . . .  the stories I heard would make a best seller . . . all I know is that if you try to avoid them and they THINK they are right, they will hound the living hell out of you to your grave ( and beyond ).  That, I DO know.