Monday, March 21, 2011

Bank heist cartoon

This cartoon reminds me of a great cartoon panel  feature that was a regular in the old Saturday Evening Post back in the '50s . . the cartoon panel was called, " BUTCH " and it was about a bungling clumsy fat robber crook that wore the trademark cap, sometimes sported a small mask . . .  he must have been about 5-10 and weighed about 450 pounds . . . I forgot his sidekick's name, a little skinny guy . . . the panel was drawn by a masterful cartoonist named Larry Reynolds . . . Gawd, he was a great draftsman !  Great gags.  Here's a tip of the hat to Butch and Larry Reynolds, whereever they are . . . probably up there in the great bottle of India ink in te sky . . .  

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