Saturday, March 26, 2011

SatEvePost cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing also appears in the March/April issue of The Saturday Evening Post . . . I like to indulge in this kind oif painting myself . . . have gone through periods in my life, especially when I constantly was stuck after getting about 1000 rejection slips from the New Yorker . . . many years ago . . . right now I've quit counting, but I KNOW the New Yorker has  rejected over 20,000 drawings of mine if you go back 50 years . . .  I would submit steady for about a year, then I would drink a little scotch on the rocks . . later Jack Daniels . . . then for about 15 years it was gin and tonic  . . . then, I tried Alan Watts . . . THAT didn't help, in fact the headaches increased . . . so I dropped Alan Watts . . . now it's Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum . . .

They ALL soothe the mind after recieving a raft of New Yorker rejection slips . . . 

I've come to the conclusion . . . it's not THEM . . . It's ME . . . ( You know, like Costanza used to say in SEINFELD )

I'n often thought, that IF they DID accept one of my cartoons . . . guess what?  I WOULDN'T SELL IT TO THEM, so help me God !

And Yes, on my wife's suyggestion, I've started seeing a psychiatrist, actually, it is an experiment . . . I want to know how much money he'll take from me before he figures out I'm poulling his leg . . . This could get expensive . . .

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