Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is MY kind of restaurant. Go In fast, wolf it down, fast out . . .  breakfast 24 hours a day . . . a coupla TUMS with alka seltzer for a chaser . . .There are a lot of these diners throughout Connecticut, especially near New York . . . I love 'em . . Then it's back to the drawing board . . . It's all repeated the next day. it doesn't get any better than this. ( Then you anxiously wait for the Mankoffer's next rejection slip . . )  What a life.

I thought I'd try something different this last batch of cartoons I recently sent off to The New Yorker . . . ( yesterday ) although, I know various renditions of this scheme has been done before, here is what I did . . . .

I've always kind of prided myself as being an ' efficiency expert ' . . . SO . . . with the last batch I placed a short memo addressed to the NYer Cartoon department . . . It stated:

" Having been in the employment as an efficiency expert all my life and getting compensated fairly well for my services, I can't help but try to help businesses with a helpful tip whenever I'm positive I'm right and think it will be appreciated.

Here is my suggestion to you:  Insert a small note to be sent to the cartoonist in their return batch when rejecting their cartoons ( about half the size of one of your rejection slips )

The note should simply state that in order to save time and money, please send back your enclosed rejection slip with your next batch, so we don't have to use one of ours when we reject your next batch, since you people know who you are, you that don't understand NO, NO , No.

I went on to state: You know how bad the economy is with so many magazines going under due to the internet, let's go with program and help us help you . . .  ( We're all in this together . . kinda like the World War 2 posters . .)

I have made an almost invisible mark on the rejection slip to see if you indeed are going along with the program, and see if you send me back the same rejection slip.

Peter Plum


My two cents on this type of activity . . . I've been criticized for spending too much time on crap like this, BUT, it's so- called  crap like this that has kept me from going insane or going 'postal' . . .

As long as I don't overdo it , and If I think it's OK, It's OK. And, most importantly: " How's it workin' for me ? "
Absolutely GREAT !


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