Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Yorker cartoon - Roy Delgado

In my humble opinion, and in the opinions of most reputable psychiatrists, I believe that it is not wise or smart to take yourself too seriously . . . . You should take your WORK seriously but do not take YOURSELF seriously . . . It can be healthy in fact to be able to occasionally laugh at yourself . . .  this is why The New Yorker SHOULD be able to garner up the wisdom to laugh at themselves . . . like the Sophists in Socrates days they thrived on ambiguity  . . This cartoon above was submitted a couple years ago and rejected . . . . I can see the reaction now from the cartoon editor . . . HOW DARE SOMEONE MAKE FUN AT OUR CARTOON CHOICES !  WHO IN THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS ? !

Man, lighten up . . . you are only a man with feet of clay choosing silly pen scratches with silly, whimsical, clever or non-sensical gaglines on the bottom of each drawing . . nothing more . . . nobody really cares . . . it is not as important as you think it is, you COULD be wrong ! - - right ?

Anyway, I just submitted it again under the name, PETER PLUM . . . lessee wot happens THIS time . . .

Man, I gotta get back on my LITHIUM . . .

IT IS A LOT OF FUN THOUGH . . . getting rejected . . .

I sometimes feel like that Chechin rebel in the Russian movie theatre a few years ago with all those hostages held captive with dynamite strapped to them . . he told a reporter, I think, something like, " What you people don't understand is that I want to die more than you want to live. "

Talk about everything upside down ( maybe this is what Van Jones was talking about ).

I think I want to be rejected more than Bob Mankoff wants to buy my cartoons.

Make sense ?

Neither does a lot of the cartoons published in the magazine . . . Ask anyone who knows anything about magazine cartooning . . . I feel like Donald Trump ranting on Obama . . .  Probably Donald Trump will never be president and I'll probably never sell the New Yorker . .

Only in America.

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