Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Roy Delgado on a short trip

I just returned from a 7 day trip to my home town, Tucson, Arizona.  I went to visit my sister Stella who is 6 years older than me and she suffered a setback and was in intensive care at University Medical Center. 

Her son, Gary was also in the same hospital with severe arthritus with bone spurs on his left ankle, a right trick knee and ulcers to top everything off - - - has been on crutches for some time.

Then I found out an old high-school mate, Marvin Quinn went to the hospital for his sixth melanoma operation.

Had breakfast on Friday with a couple of old schoolmates also, Harvey Hale and Gene Mejia at a diner on the east side.

I had to go to the Safeway shopping center where the tragic mass shooting of Senator Gabby Giffords took place, by the retarded bastard, Loughner.

  Across the street at a Starbucks, I met Bob Weber Jr. and my cousin, Della Verdugo, who coincidentally lives up the street in Oro Valley from Bob. 

We all had a great time, by the way chomping down on a green chile bagel, talking about Slylock Fox and Oh Brother !, the comic strips distributed by King Features, and we chatted also on whole lot of other interesting things before two hours quickly were up and we had to split.

I returned back to the Washington metro area on Monday - - -  my luggage went to Dulles and I ended up at Reagan National Airport, two hours before my luggage arrived at the different airport.  My automobile was at Dulles, so American provided a shuttle and I finally got home at 4:00 AM on Tuesday.

Amazingly, they hand-delivered my suit case on Tuesday !

Just now getting back on my feet and back to normalcy.

Will start displaying some cartoons tomorrow and a little philosophical musings also.  It's great to be back !


" In order to forgive, you must have blamed. "

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Ph.D.

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