Wednesday, October 19, 2011

cartoon of the Day - 18406 - Roy Delgado


" Haec enim ridentur vel sola vel maxime
quae notant et designant turpidtudinem
aliquam non turpiter. "

An indecency decently put is the thing
we laugh at hardest.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Roy, Great cartoon! Pretty bizaar, but then that's what makes it funny. You put so much detail into all your cartoons. I feel it's what really makes them work as well as they do. How long does it take you to complete one like this, from start (original sketch)to finish (final inking and shading)?
    On a side note; check out this link:
    Read the text below the caption of the first cartoon. You are not alone!
    Keep up the GREAT work!!!
    Best, Gary Z.
