Sunday, November 20, 2011

18537 - Cartoon of the week - Roy Delgado


We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration.
Inspiration seldom generates action.

Frank Tibolt


This is really great advice.  I'm reminded of Woody Allen's famous line which he attributed to his success,
 ( to paraphrase Woody  ),

" Showing up is 90% "

And in Dr. Wayne Dyer's first smash best-seller,  " Your Erroneous Zones ",  he tells the story of a patient under a lot of stress undergoing therapy at his home/office . . . As he walked up to the house, Dr. Dyer was waiting for him out front . . . before any greetings were exchanged Dr. Dyer said " Here, hop on this bicycle , we're going for a ride . . "

  The idea is that the patient had to START concentrating on something else besides thinking about his  over-exaggerated problems . . . Once they were riding, slowly the clever Dr. was able to  calm him down and get him ready to start talking . . . Dr. Dyer referred it as some kind of " inertia " taking place . . . I understood what he meant . . it was a beginning to start getting the job done . . . which is Hey, jump right in ! NOW.


 Do your research, read, practice and practice, get mentally ready, stay focused, believe . . and then DIVE IN, ( You'll find the water's just fine )

( It doesn't hurt to be listening to Nat King Cole's famous hit,  " It's just a matter of time ", because it IS, I found out )

Roy Delgado


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