Saturday, November 5, 2011

Zen and the Art of Persistence - Miryam Williamson

 In an article I saw in Writer's Digest a few years ago, it told in a very short story how Robert Persig, the author of Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, a book that went to become a smashing best-seller,  sent it to 92 publishers before it found a home. 

I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't heard him say it myself ( on NPR, not to me ).  You and I should be so unsuccessful.

Keep on sending that manuscript out.  Have a plan to send it to someone else when/if it comes back.  Make a list and work your way through it.  Don't let a returned manuscript sit on your desk for more than 24 hours.

Don't give up.  There's a publisher for every book that has a writer's skill and love in it.

- Miryam Williamson
( in Writer's Digest )


Stories like this is the kind of stuff you have to have ingrained in your head if you are going to achieve any kind of success in this business.


" The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. "

nuf sed -

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