Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Redo New Look - Roy Delgado/Cartoonist

New fresh letterhead.  New look.  No looking back. Straight ahead.  Working longer hours.  licking more stamps.  Stuffing more envelopes,  Falling asleep on the computer. Like a zombie I feel, but I am enjoying it more than ever before.  I get slightly irritated when I have to stop for what seems like uneccessary things like going to the bathroom . . . . stopping to wolf down a sandwich, stopping for a cup of coffee, stopping to exercise, finishing the last 25 pages of Huckleberry Finn . . . . AH-H-R-R-G-H-H-H !  There isn't anything else I would rather be doing.

Tonight looking forward to watching game 4: The Thunder at Miami . . . I like The THUNDER.
It's 4:57 PM and am getting ready to sign off for the day . . . . I have a couple contractors putting the finishing touches to an apartment  I just am having completed over the second floor of my two-car garage.  When friends and relatives come over and the house is full it's always nice to have that extra apartment . . .


" Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. "



" They are never alone that are accompanied by noble thoughts. "

   - Philip Sydney ( 16th century )


" Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those who you do hold. "

   - Josh Billings


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