Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sidney Harris Cavalier cartoon -

This 8-1/2 x 11 inch original on heavy bond paper in my collection is by veteran cartoonist, Sidney Harris.  It originally appeared in the old Cavalier magazine.

  I didn't get a chance to tell him how much I loved his work when we met in New York a few years ago . . . later I wrote him a short letter and we exchanged published originals. 

 I have followed Mr. Harris' work for 50 years and I must say he is one of the greats that I have always looked up to and I have to say,indeed influenced my work.   I love his characters. His loose, professional confidence is displayed in his lines and rendering . . . 
and YOU CAN TELL  he's enjoying his work.  

 I said to myself one day when I first looked at his work, 
IF I WORK HARD AND IMPROVE AND IMPROVE AND BE PATIENT AND NEVER GIVE UP, ONE DAY I WILL BE IN THE SAME MAGAZINE WITH HIM . . . . . You gotta be careful what you BELIEVE and wish for . . . This 2014, in the current May issue of Playboy ( just out now ) , My cartoon in yesterday's post appears in the same magazine along with HIS ! To me, it is almost unbelievable !  It HAPPENED AGAIN !
Sure, you gotta pay the price . . . 
But the best part . . . . " It WORKS,


I might've mentioned this book before, but
a softback I bought about 4 years ago I must recommend
to anybody in the arts trying to achieve a challenging
and meaningful personal goal.  It is one of those
self-help books you can't lay down because it looks like he's talking to you . . . 

The softback book: 
by Sidney Newton Bremer, Ph.D.
( 5-3/8 x 8 1/4 in., 496 pages )

Published by
Successful Achievement,
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Copyright 1971

I purchased mine from Powell's Used Books.

The preface to the book explains it
as follows:

" A self-improvement text
scientifically prepared to help
 the student develop his maximum
potentialities and live a successful, satisfying life
of meaningful service. "


Nuf sed.,
Do it now. "

- Peter Plum

We'll top this post off with a MILTON BERLE PEARL.

" A man walked off a train, followed by his 14 children . . . A policeman walked over and cuffed him. The man said,What did I do ?
The policeman said, ' I don't  know, but as soon
as I lock you up, I'll try to find out
why the crowd is following you ! '



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