Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prospect Magazine, U.K. cartoon by Roy Delgado

This drawing appears in the United Kingdom's slick magazine Prospect on page 14 of the current September issue.  This is my first appearance in this magazine and I was invited to continue to submit on a regular basis.  It was my first attempt, my first submission. 

Kind of the opposite with my story at The New Yorker where after over 19.000 rejections ( Starting way back in 1953 ) . . .  in about 1998 I asked 4 times in writing what was I doing wrong.  I finally got a phone call by Bob Mankoff telling me:  1. ) Don't send so much and  2. ) Don't make my name so big and,  3. ) My stuff, gags AND drawings were were too corny.

" I didn't believe it.  I still don't believe it. "

I'd sent this cartoon to The New Yorker first, ( just a few weeks ago ) then after an automatic rejection there, I carefully got together a batch of about 15 cartoons of my best ( All New Yorker rejects ) and mailed them over the pond to Prospect Magazine in the U.K. determined to sell there.  Then bingo, they bought this one faster than Grant went through Richmond from my very first batch.

" You gotta be careful what you believe. "
Roy Delgado

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