Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First official PLUM LOCO syndicate reject

Flash ! - - News bulletin - - - Universal Press just said " NO " to Plum Loco comic - - - - It came yesterday in the usual cold, informal letter, you know - - - " Sorry we can't be more personal in saying no, but because of millions of comics we get blah-blah-blah - - - "  

Look, I'm used to this - - - It's not you, it's me.

That leaves United Media, King Features and Creators Syndicate - - - I'll let you know what happens with these three, as it happens. ( Tribune I'll send last, after the three left standing reject it )

The reason I chose Tribune last is because of Blagojevich, Ayers, Dorn, Pfhleger, Rezko and the Daly machine.  Actually, I love Chicago and travel there from time to time. 

My Best Man, Ex-Marine Tom Kozak lives in Chicago.  In fact, some of my best friends ( and critic ) live in Chicago, but this time, I thought they'd have the privilege of rejecting PLUM LOCO last ! ( Does this make any sense? ) No ? - - -  Good. 

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