Saturday, October 16, 2010

First syndicate response from Buljert - The answer to Marmaduke

Today, October 16th, I received my first response from my four packages I sent out to Big Four syndicates for possible syndication of this new idea, Buljert. 

Although it was just mailed on October 4th, I was surprised at the speedy response.  Usually, you don't hear from them in about 6 to 8 weeks, or longer.  I would say is about average.  In fact, I notice on their ( United Media ) website, that now they state that they may not even send back or respond to any inquires ! - - - Man, that's a new one.  But it IS what it IS. They do it because they can.

I received the standard cold rejection letter, BUT, BUT . . . it was still nice to see a blue ink pen scribble on the bottom of the letter which said: " Pretty good, but we have Marmaduke in this demographic. "
and signed by C.Reed Jackson. ( or it looks like that to me )

It's my luck this Jackson guy is the janitor and he pulls this trick or something like this once a month to some poor sap to make him think that he's real close . . . . .

Three syndicates left, and I will report what I hear as I hear it , right here. . . Then after the four reject Buljert . . . . I may, I said MAY jump off the top of the building at 4 Times Square.  I love the word, " may ", don't you ?

Talking about Times Square,which reminds me, just the other day,on Tuesday, October 5, I Amtraked up to NYC and had lunch at 12:15pm at The Pergola Des Artistes on 252 W. 46th St., with The Sam Gross and The Peter Paul Porges and The Sid Harris, and a real Cartoon Bank Rep. and several other cartoonists of note.  I only got to chat with Sam and Peter and Sid Harris. since the seating was a little tight.  I enjoyed it very much.  Sam and the group has a good deal they've made with the restaurant . . . the group usually meets every Tuesday at 12:15 for lunch.  The group varies in who shows up, but it is usually approximately 8 to 16 or more just depending which of mostly New Yorker cartoonists decides to show up.

And for just twenty bucks, you get your choice of 5 delicious authentic entrees, a glass of wine, a cup of coffee and a shot of brandy. And that includes the tip !  I thought it was more than fair. Great atmosphere and a really great professional friendly staff.  Next time you're in the Big Apple, I'd recommend it. I would give it a thumbs up, definately !

Roy Delgado

Peter Plum couldn't make it.  For anyone planning a trip up where I was, a room for ONE night at The Sheraton Marquis at Times Square is  $499.00.  But you get a free mint on your pillow ! 

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