Sunday, October 17, 2010

" We've gone green " Environmental cartoon

Every now and then, you do a cartoon that you feel strongly, very strongly that the cartoon you just completed belongs in The New Yorker.  OR . . . Maybe even a New Yorker cover !  This is one of those.   Last week I sent it to Mr. Bob Mankoff in a priority mail USPS envelope with a return receipt signature required.  I placed the beautiful matte color print which was executed in a premium Kodak heavy paper and inserted it in a clear plastic sleeve.  I stuck a yellow Post-It note on it which simply said: " Reject This. " 

I also sent it to the Art Editor as a Cover Suggestion ( without the ' Reject This ' comment. )

I know this is bold, but I predict, either one of the above, OR Reader's Digest, or Harvard Business Review, OR Prospect Magazine in Great Britain will buy it.  I'll let you know what happens. 

I'm sorry, but sometimes it's hard to be humble. . . . After being rejected so many times, you actually get better and better . .  If you do NOT give up, eventually you wear the man out that is trying to stop you, and he says . . . " Okay you win, I give up. "   

I don't know how or why, but it just works. It is one of Napoleon Hill's Law of Success. 

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