Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PlumLoco/RoyDelgado Doppelgangers

Sorry for the duplicates in the blogs regarding the entries for the New Yorker/Eustace Tilley 2011 Contest . . . my mistake . . . the more I tried to edit and remove one, the more I screwed it up . . . So I just thought I'd just leave it and aplogize and leave it at that . . . I think that I try to go too fast . . . in the manipulations and it just tanks when I do that, so I have to constanly remind myself to slow down and take it easy and smell the roses along the way . . .


Just finishing my Cliff Notes on the epic poem, BEOWOLF . . . . and I plan to begin my new Easton Press leather bound gold stamped hard back volume soon . . . . it helps me to relax and slow down and smell the roses by keeping a healthy dose of classic literature nearby . . .


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