Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Poy Delgado/Plum Loco

I love cartoons about hot dog carts, diners, characters on the seedy part of any town, bums, hoboes, tramps . . . people trying to beat the system . . .  When I'm in New York . . . sometimes when you're in a hurry, running late . . . I usually grab a quick Jack Daniels on the rocks in a nice cocktail lounge, ( last time it was SARDI'S, they serve huge drinks! ) chase it with a Bud, run outside and wolf down a good Kosher Hot Dog from one of these better street vendors, run like hell, grab a cab and just make the train back to Washington D.C., Union Station.  ( The Acela train takes 2 hours and 40 minutes ! )

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