Here's an oldie one I just sold today Monday, August 15, 2011 . . . the "okay" submitted was a black and white line drawing, and it called for color and here shown is the finish. This was first rejected by the following before selling to American Legion: Good Housekeeping, First for Women, Reader's Digest, Barron's, Medical Economics, Wall Street Journal, Saturday Evening Post, Woman's World, Cortlandt Forum and Lion Magazine . . .
You never know when you'll strike gold . . . a pleasant surprise at my post office visit . . . along with a Playboy sale ( I have to do in color, plus a cartoon published today in Easy Riders magazine, along with a check and a complimentary issue of the magazine . . . also, I received my complimentary September issue of Playboy magazine in which I have a Wizard of Oz cartoon on page 10.
" If you aspire to the highest place,
it is no disgrace to stop at the second
or even the third place. "
Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Great going in these times, Roy. I am happy for you.