Monday, August 15, 2011

18093 - Cartoon of the month - Roy Delgado

This cartoon came out in Penthouse in the early 2000s on page 18, I found the clip in my files . . . one of my favorites of all time . . .  since doing mine I've seen another couple versions kinda similar . . . it's one of those gags that is almost predictable . . .

When Penthouse went with the new owner and stopped using cartoons, it was a sad day, as General Media Corp., the publisher of Penthouse was almost the last good market for male-slanted cartoon markets . . . .

The computer-availablity of magazines, ( existing, as well as new ) along with devices like Kindle have really taken its toll with the print media no doubt . . .

1 comment:

  1. Technology is a great thing! Not so for the cartoons and cartoonists.
