Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cartoon of the day - Roy Delgado

Although it's a little early for Christmas, here's an oldie I pulled off the shelf that I've always liked . . . You can't help but wonder why they always make fun of certain cities . . . especially Cleveland.

Well, I can explain Cleveland . . . I was there once, back in the early 90's I attended a small convention with a few other Sign Shop Owners . . . . All I remember of the trip . . .  one evening as we worked our way downtown, the first odd thing we noticed was the lack of lighted signage, like neon signs,  it was as if every place was closed, dull, dreary, quiet, like a ghost town almost . . . etc., not a 'conventioneer's city' !

I remember a bunch of us having a beer in a tavern the night before we left to drive back to Washington, D.C. . . . One of the guys with us told the bartender that there was only one thing bad in store for him tomorrow but that all of us guys will be okay, and he asked: " What is that ? "

Our guy said: " Tomorrow, we'll be in Washington and you'll still be here in Cleveland! "

We all felt bad after that but we left him a nice tip, so all in all it ended well for him.


" The man who opts for revenge
should dig two graves. "


1 comment:

  1. Douglas A Bennett Cartoonist/ Gagwriter. The "Blue Jeans" cartoon I say is FUNNY !
