Thursday, May 31, 2012

Leatherneck cartoon - Roy Delgado


This drawing appears on page 26 in the latest
June 2012 issue of Leatherneck,
The magazine of the Marines.


" Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness,
it is a sign of emotional failure. "

- Bertrand Russell


" We should be taught to not wait for inspiration to
start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration.
Inspiration seldom generates action. "

- Frank Tibolt


" Instead of loving your enemies,
treat your friends a little better. "

- Edgar Watson Howe


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Family cartoon - Roy Delgado


" No one is wise enough by himself. "

- Titus Maccius Plautus
( circa 200 B.C. )


" Time is nature's way of keeping everything
from happening at once. "

- Annonymous


" The greatest of faults is to
be conscious of none. "

- Thomas Carlyle


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cartoon of the day - Roy Delgado


" There is no education like adversity. "

- Benjamin Disraeli


" Great Spirit, grant that I may not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins. "

- Native American saying


" First health, then wealth, then pleasure, and do not
owe anything to anybody. "

- Catherine the Great


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Airport security cartoon - Roy Delgado


" The mightiest lever known to the
moral world - - imagination. "

- William Wordworth


" He only profits from praise
who values criticism. "

- Heinrich Hein 


" If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch,
you must first invent the universe. "

- Carl Sagan


Nuf sed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Math major wanted - Roy Delgado


" To educate a man in mind and not in morale is to
educate a menace to society. "

- Theodore Roosevelt


" The greatest tragedy is indifference. "

- Red Cross slogan


" Opinion says hot and cold, but the reality is atoms in empty space. "

- Democritis
( circa 400 B.C. )


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cartoon of the Day -Roy Delgado


" Hear the other side. "

- Roman law principle


" Few blame themselves until they have exhasted all other possibilities. "

- Annonymous


" Who, being loved, is poor ? "

- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Playboy cartoon - Roy Delgado

This drawing appears on page 126 in the
June 2012 issue of Playboy Magazine and is Copyrighted
by Playboy.

I think this cartoon could have appeared in The New Yorker or Harvard Business Review . . .

But it is very unlikely ( unless there was a 'regime change", that Roy Delgado's work will ever appear in The New Yorker . . .  No one knows " WHY " .
( that could be rationally explained ) And, probably, nobody really cares.   ( It just IS what it IS.)


" A proverb distills the wisdom of the ages, and only a
fool is scornful of the commonplace. " 

William Somerset Maughm


" You're never too old to become younger. "

Mae West


" It doesn't hurt to be optimistic.  You can always cry later. "

Lucimar Santos de Lima


Thursday, May 17, 2012

JEST in SPORTS - Roy Delgado

Here are a few samples from my series:


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gullible cartoon - Roy Delgado


I would actually love to see something like this happen in real life.

Let's say it was YOU - - - I mean, try to explain this to your friends - - -

As you win the award, you'd have to ask yourself - - -Have I beed had or what ?


" Imagination was given to man for what he is not, 
and a sense of humor was provided  to console him
for what he is. "

- Robert Walpole


" Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body. "

- Francois de La Rochefoucauld


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Karl Marx


" From each according to his abilities,
to each according to his needs. "

- Karl Marx

Teach this to your children so some other sap will work his ass off and you can "get some of his" . . . After all . . . He doesn't "NEED" all he has . . . He's GREEDY if he wants to keep what he earned . . . The guv-mint should FORCE him to gimme some of his . . .

I coulda swore this guy was a distant relative to Groucho, right ?  Sounds comical, his diatribe,

 . . . and some people wanna try it here ?

What are ya, nutz ?

- Peter Plum


Monday, May 14, 2012

Medical/Pharmaceutical cartoon - Roy Delgado


" A mother is not a person to lean on,
but a person to make leaning unnecessary. "

- Dorothy Canfield Fisher




Saturday, May 12, 2012

Barron's cartoon - 2002 - Roy Delgado

This drawing appeared in Barron's
 in September 23, 2002, page F3.

In those days, like they used to do before all the mergers and conglomerates and schemes to save money . . . back in those days, the publishers would send you a tear sheet clip or two and/or a coulpa free issues of your cartoon in print. Those days are gone.

This is when the "gobbling up" of your competion was in full stride, the guys with the big bucks would buy up their competition, fire 25% of the people, overwork their people and make money.

Legally, of course, they didn't HAVE to provide this "costly" service, it was mostly a tradition and professional courtesy, so they found out they could cut a little here, a little there and stopped paying someone to provide such a "frivolous" costly activity here and there . . . . . . and I guess, they fired a few people . . . And, the really  "biggee" savings was . . . Why pay TWO CEOs to run TWO magazines, when, after a few firings, one of them a CEO . . .  and just have ONE CEO to run both enterprises!  After you did this, you found out you don't have to pay THAT ONE CEO the salary of TWO CEOs . . . Comprende ? Simple 8th grade math.

Bottom line, it's all bottom line, they did it because they could.

Nowadays, Reader's Digest and Playboy are about the only two large publications that still provide you with a complimentary issue when your work appears . . .

Like Bob Dylan said way back then . . .  " Times-they-are-a-changin' . . .


The really best way not to become poor, is to get rich.

I get a kick out of Fifty Cent's hip-hop message , " Get rich or die tryin.' "

At least his motivation is there . . . as long as it's legal and he's not hurtin' anyone, and helpin' a few less fortunate people along the way, more power to him . . .



Friday, May 11, 2012

Diet cartoon - Roy Delgado



The sign in this cartoon says:  DIET CLINIC: 2nd Floor,
Members use Freight Elevator in rear.

The poor fat sap stands there feeling like a fat sap.

You've got to learn to push away from the table,
I know, I've been there and blame no one but myself.

I am 5'-10" tall, and on March 1st, I weighed 280 lbs., I felt like the guy in the cartoon, now I weigh 260 and now I'm headed in the right direction.  Gotta keep it up.  My goal is 245 lbs.

This morning, at about 8:00 AM I looked out my window from my computer and I saw four deer about 50 away. What a nice way to start the day.

I live on top of a small mountain.  The mountain is comprised of six lots, each are approx. two-and-a-half acres in size . . . as many as 12-14 deer sometimes walk across my property . . . It's a beautiful sight.

And then, the birds chirp songs just for you . . . and it's all free . . . God, I gotta pinch myself every once in awhile . . . ( like every day ).

" No matter how old you get,
if you can keep the desire to be creative,
you're keeping the man-child alive. "

- John Cassevetes, 1929-1980


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wall Street Journal cartoon( to-be? ) - Roy Delgado

This cartoon is headed for the WSJ, it's just that I'm licking the envelope right now to complete the current batch and put it in the mail . . . to me it's a natural for that venue.
But look, I've felt the same way with " New Yorker "
cartoons I've done and felt exactly the same way . . . and I've been wrong . . over 20,000 times.

You never really know . . but you gotta try. It's how the business works.  A little ice water in your veins is a plus,
let's face it . . . and apparently I have an endless supply of it.


" We should never let our fears
hold us back from
pursuing hopes. "

- John F. Kennedy


" Hope is the power
of being cheerful in circumstances
that we know to be desperate. "

- G. K. Chesterton, 1874-1936


I think this type of " stuff " is necessary to inject into your system on a DAILY basis . . . to do otherwise is a ticket to failure,  without a doubt.

- Peter Plum

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Plum Loco," Off the wall" cartoon - Roy Delgado

" A man's reach should excede his grasp,
Or what's heaven for ? "

- Robert Browning


" The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure, and the intelligent are full of doubt. "

- Bertrand Russell


" Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. "

- William Morris


" It doesn't get any better than this. "

- Annonymous
( Actually these words were uttered by a loser on crack )


Monday, May 7, 2012

Pizza Delivery Boy cartoon - Roy Delgado


" Nothing in man is more serious than his sense of
humor; it is the sign that he wants all of the truth. "

- Mark Van Doren


Death means nothing to us.  When we are,
death has not come yet, and when death has come, we
no longer are. "

- Epicurus,  ( ca. 300 B.C. )


" We are all happy, if we only knew it. "

- Feodor Dostoevsky 


Sunday, May 6, 2012

SAT EVE POST cartoons - Roy Delgado

These two cartoons appear in the latest May/June issue just out on the newsstand.


" Nothing in life is to be feared.
It is only to be understood. "

- Marie Curie


" Every man in the world is better
than someone else.
And not as good as someone else. "

- William Saroyan



Saturday, May 5, 2012

General Media cartoon- 2013 Roy Delgado

This cartoon appeared in Penthouse back around 2003,
the finish was executed in color . . . I was using pastels then, before I switched to coloring with the computer, like I do now . . .

They were using, towards the end a little more 'off-the-wall' stuff like this one . . . the end of the good ole days was just around the corner . . . I was selling quite a bit there at the time . . . one issue, I remember having five
cartoons in one month . . . I happened to be in New York City at the time and thought I'd drop in and say hello.

  After calling in the early A.M., they invited me to drop on by and say cheers . . . Their offices were directly across from Penn Station and were very convenient to visit.  I checked in with the front security desk, they called the General Media office on the Fifth Floor and Joe Brooks, the cartoon editor ( who Mr. Guccione had summoned over from England towards the end ) greeted me at the front desk in the lobby.

We took the elevator up and upon entering the huge office with about 10-15 desks with computers, the first thing I noticed was not ONE piece of paper was visible, not even on the secretary's desk who greeted me in the front.

We went into Joe Brooks' office.  There were maybe 3-5 pieces of paper on his desk, a computer and a large map file where he kept most of the drawings.

I spent only a brief 15 minutes or so and left.


" People who are unable
to motivate themselves must be
content with mediocrity, no matter
how impressive their other talents. "

- Andrew Carnegie, 1835-1919


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good Housekeeping cartoon - Roy Delgado

This cartoon was drawn in 2002, and after being rejected at Reader's Digest, National Enquirer and Better Homes and Gardens, I sent it to Good Housekeeping . . and  bingo, they bought it.

They requested it in color, which, I couldn't find the clip, so I'm posting this one, the original rough . . . It appeared in GHK in September, 2003 on page 230, in color.


" How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait a single
moment before starting to
improve the world. "

- Anne Frank, 1929-1945


" Don't think !
Thinking is the enemy of creativity.
It's self-conscious,
and anything self-conscious is lousy.
You can't try to do things;
you simply must do them. "

- Ray Bradbury, b. 1920


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

On some non-sensiclal New Yorker cartoons -

The inside joke here is that what this sap is
claiming is actually impossible.

Reason being, that in one published interview with a
prominent newspaper, the cartoon editor, when
asked why he purchased SOME cartoons that were
ungraspable, or non-sensical in the view of many readers . . .  
( by their obvious steady complaints in letters to the editor ), defended his position by saying that he KNOWS that maybe 15% of the audience will not "GET" the cartoon gag . . . but that it was meant to be that way, and it was "okay" with him ( And I assume "okay" by his boss ).

When I read this, I dropped my coffee, or maybe it was a glass of Jack Daniels, but I couldn't believe it.

All I know is that when I had my company, and while I was away, my man in charge KEPT on doing what 15% of my customers were complaining about . . . and saw nothing wrong with that, I would immediately fire the guy . . . Am I wrong ? ( Or am I making too much sense ).

Annonymous replies welcome.  It's okay.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Relationship cartoon- Roy Delgado


" They are able who think they are able. "

- VIRGIL, 70-19 B.C.


" One of the greatest
of all principles is that
men can do what they
think they can do. "

- Norman Vincent Peale, 1898-1993


" I knew I was going to be a comedian
when I was about six.
You get what you believe you'll get.
You have to really want it
and you'll get it. "

Billy Connelly, b. 1942


" You better be careful what you believe. "

- Roy Delgado, b. 1935
